Signs You must check before roof Replacement in Michigan

roof repair leaks in michigan

For most us, we tend to think less about the roofing system over our heads, immediately after moving into and settling in our homes. Most of us don’t even think about the roof at all, until a leak starts. By then, more damage will have been done, sometimes even affecting other parts of the house than just the roof. This is why the importance of regularly inspecting the roof cannot be stressed enough. Regular inspection of the roof can help to identify critical damages, such that the roof can be replaced before more damage occurs on other parts of the house.

However, you can’t just replace a roof without knowing what to look for in the first place. This article will help you understand the specific signs you need to inspect for, which imply that you need a roof replacement..

5 Signs You Need Roof Replacement in Michigan

The following are the major signs that usually call for a roof replacement in Michigan;

1.) The Roof’s Warranty Period

Each roofing system has a warranty. Most of the roof shingles installed today come with a warranty of 15 years. However, there are more premium shingles which are provided with a warranty of 35 or more years. No matter what type of roofing shingles you have installed, you should regularly check your warranty period and know how old the roof is. If you notice that the end of your roof’s warranty period is approaching, then this means that your roof is old and needs a replacement soon.

2.) Sunlight in the Attic

The simplest way to find out whether your roofing system has a problem, is by going to the attic then looking for any traces of sunlight. If you notice even the slightest traces of sunlight penetrating through the surface of the roof, then this means that your roof does have a problem. Note that air and sunlight penetrating through the vents of the attic does not mean that the roof is damaged; the vents are designed to allow this. However, no sunlight should shine through the surface of the roof, which is why this should be taken as a warning sign indicating the need for a roof replacement.

3.) Presence of Sags, Waves and Dips on the Roof Line

The sagging and dipping of a roof is a sign of a slow roof leak. Slow roof leaks gradually deteriorate the wood structure on the roofing system. The most dangerous thing about slow roof leaks is that they can actually happen for many years, damaging the roofing system without being noticed. Therefore, if you see any sags, waves or dips on your roofing system, then you should have it checked for any roof leaks. The presence of roof leaks are most likely to call for a roof replacement.

4.) Spongy Areas on the Roof

From time to time, carefully walk on your roof and check for any sections that feel spongy. Roofing systems are supposed to be very solid and stable. If you step on an area that feels spongy, or rebounds as a trampoline, this could be an indication of roof damage caused by water. Also, you can look for puddles of water on the roof. When you see these, you should hire a roofing contractor to determine the level of damage on the roof. Of course, much damage will require a roof replacement.

5.) Moss and Other Debris on the Roofing System

If your house is built near trees and other vegetation, this might cause a problem to your roof. Tree branches may fall on the roof, or the leaves build up. This may lead to failing of the roofing system. If your home is located in such an environment, regularly check your roof. Regular falling of branches and build up of leaves on the roof may call for a roof replacement in the long run.


If you really love your home, then you wouldn’t wish for anything to happen to it. Regularly inspect your roofing system for the above warning signs. If you happen to see one or more of those signs in your roof, do not panic; our roofing company has got you covered. Just give us a call, and we will urgently and efficiently replace your roofing system before you even realize it!