What Is Residential Low Slope Roofing?

michigan roofing contractor

Features that define roofs are known as sloping angle. Primarily the residential roofs are slope or high pitched roofs. Nowadays,  modern residential roofing is more drawn towards low sloping roofs. Residential low slope roofing can be clarified as roofing that slopes in 2” in 12” to 4” in 12” of run, this measurement of angle has great pluses but comes with disadvantages as well. There are two extensive categories in which residential low slope roofing are divided as, one is larger flat roofed applications (low slope) such as residential co-operative complexes, row homes, and townhouses and the second one is smaller applications, such as residential porch and garage transitions from the main home where the slope of the roof changes dramatically from steep slope to low slope on the same structure.

Material To Be Used:

If you see the comparison between the low slope roofing and steeper roofing, low slope roofs drain water slowly than the steeper roofs therefore the material that is used in residential roofing’s are modified bitumen systems and built up roofing instead of asphalt shingles because asphalt shingles rely on mechanical drainage. Bitumen systems and built up roofing are more pocket friendly, reliable, and durable too.  Low slope roofing due to their special angle roofing surface requires a smaller amount of material than the steeper roofs, that is why low slope roofs installation is much cheaper than having a new sloping roof.

Spacious/Extra Space:

If you need extra space in your house then choosing a low slope roof might be a good option. They are suitable for storing the objects which you can’t just leave in an open area, so by installing this type of roofing you are going to have that extra space in your house. Also, slow slope roofs are best, if you are thinking about installing solar panels.

“Residential low slope roofs have a downside too, if you are living in an area where snow, rain are persistent than you might get into trouble because the water, snow, and ice sit longer on the roofing surface than the pitched roofs. And this may lead your roof more exposed to leaks and damage if you won’t remove these elements”.

Low slope roofing requires a lot of work, you will be regularly removing the debris and extra dirt to make sure that your roof does not get exposed to the damage, which later get you in a hassle of repairing the roof. Also, while choosing a material for your low slope roofing always consult a professional roofer because not every other material is suitable for low slope roofing that is why professional guidance is important in this case.

You can Ask a local roofing professional about the do’s and don’ts while getting this type of roofing or get in touch with us by calling us at 734-526-4955 to get a free estimate and answers to your inquiries about the roofing guidance, materials, installation, repairs and maintenance services.

Roof Shingles with re roofing options in Michigan

michigan roofing contractor

As everyone knows, Michigan weather changes in seconds and Michigans see different types of weather; in short, the weather in Michigan state is basically known for its changeable nature. The sunny horny weather can quickly become windy and dusty, or cold winter weather can cloud up and turn into a snowstorm with howling winds. The roof leak can be a significant problem in a state like this; to cure this problem, you can use a good rooftop. The central part of the roof is shingles, and the Michigan roof takes a beating. It is the most important thing to protect the top. Roof shingles are a roof covering which consists of individual overlapping elements. Shingles are held by the roof rafters and are made of various materials such as wood, metal, plastic slate, flagstone, and composite materials such as fiber cement and asphalt shingles

Benefits of roof shingles

The following are some of the most common benefits of roof shingles:

  • The best thing about shingles are they aren’t covered by hail damage, which is very damaging for shingles. Asphalt shingles have a better resistance impact.
  • Shingles prevent your roof from leakage because it has more excellent impact resistance.
  • It is Flexible for freeze & thaw cycles and is effortless to work within chilly weather installations.
  • It is suitable for wind prevention and has excellent overall durability.
  • It consists of better ceramic granule retention.
  • It comes up with a limited lifetime warranty and with non-prorated warranty coverage for 10 years.

If you also want to get these benefits, we are available for you in Michigan, USA, with our best services and professional workers. Our experienced and trained workers will help you not only in new installations but also provide repairing services. Feel free to contact us.

2 Popular Roof Shingles in Michigan

The most popular shingles choice for a Michigan living are:

1.Asphalt shingles

Homeowners mostly choose asphalt roofing shingles because of their excellent performance and value for money. They are the most popular choice in the states of the USA. They’re also available in a different variety of colors and styles.

Let’s talk about its importance:

They are made of 3 essential components: the asphalt, the mat, usually fiberglass, and the ceramic granules. That asphalt component of the shingle consists of important functions. They are:

  • Asphalt empowers a shingle to remain flexible in chilly cold temperatures and withstand brutal weather.
  • Asphalt is heavy and adds weight so that the shingle will lie level on your rooftop.
  • The asphalt acts as an adhesive that holds together the entirety of the shingle’s segments.
  • Asphalt shingles can stand up better to impact and have more excellent resistance.
  • This shingle can withstand greater force.

Those ceramic granules protect the asphalt’s coating and the fiberglass mat from deteriorating due to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. They aren’t just for admirable colors. If they meant just for the colors, the sun would bake the shingle, and it will become brittle too quickly, compromising its durability and its ability to resist water results in the roof leaking. Some algae-resistant granules are implanted to help prevent those monstrous black streaks you frequently see on a rooftop

Asphalt comes in various evaluations; if the asphalt is of poor quality, the granules will fall off quicker and easier, so that asphalt quality should be up to the mark.

2.Timberline shingles

In the USA, GAF’s Timberline shingles are also very popular. It consists of a polymer modification. During the manufacturing process of Timberline, a product named Styrene Butadiene Styrene (SBS) is added to the asphalt. It provides shingle with a more significant impact of resistance and rubber-like flexibility. Polymer modified IR shingles perform way better than traditional IR shingles by up to 50%. Get the Most Value from Your Michigan Roof.


● Be diligent. At least Check your roof annually, take care of your roof, and if any symptoms of a significant problem, mend the roof at that time.
● Check for roof and damaged shingles, gutter clogs and puddles, and everything that seems out of ordinary.
● Remove branches and fallen trees as soon as you see them and also get rid of leaves as they get a drop in the fall.
● In winter, pay attention and take care of any potential for ice dams and icicles.
● Give proper maintenance. Roof warranties are only valid if you’re taking good care of your roof.
● To make your Michigan’s roof last long for years, the simplest rule is to pay attention to it. Take care of it as necessary.

Professional Roofing company options


When the asphalt shingle roof has reached the end of its life, most people think their only option is to strip the roof to bare sheathing before a new roof can be applied, but that’s not true; reroofing is a good option and has many advantages. If the sheathing is extensively damaged or the structure cannot support the weight of another layer of roofing, a good solution is to apply a new layer of shingles right over the old roof. If it’s done correctly, a re-roof job will look as good and last as long as a “new” roof, for a lot less hassle and a lot less money too.

Less liability: There is less risk of property damage

Equal quality: Making a new layer of shingles laid flat over the old shingles, the old roof cushions the new one and serves as a secondary barrier should water or wind ever break through the new shingles. It comes with a good warranty like new ones

Cost-saving: Reroofing is cheaper than making a brand-new roof. It has value for money.

If you need any help and assistance, we’re happy to inspect your roof or give you some tips on what you should know, and we will provide professional services; feel free to contact us. Roofing has delivered extraordinary results for residential and commercial roofing, siding, windows, and more. This kind of longevity can’t just happen by accident. It comes up by delivering consistently exceptional craftsmanship. We always put the needs of our replacement roofing customers first of all. We are providing our best services with our professional workers in Michigan, USA. If you need any roof service, then our skilled and trained workers will help you.

Schedule right time for your Roofing work to avoid noise pollution

roof work timing

Roof replacement is an important decision for your overall house structure.You have to look different options critically so you can evaluate the right choice of your roof. While your own safety is very important but you also have to go through the cost efficient options for selecting your roofing material.Roofing project work comes with a noise and dust pollution that may annoy you and your neighbours equally. You have to ask your neighbors about their office timings so you can do most of your roofing work without adding annoyance to their comfort.

Although, professional roofers are already trained to keep the environment clean and pollution free but you have the responsibility to keep an extra check on them and ask your neighbors if they are getting disturbed of your work schedule.Ensure your roofing work without loosing the rest time of your neighbors. Update your neighbors in advance about your roofing work schedule and ask if they have someone in their home who can’t afford such noise.

Tough weather condition can delay your roofing work that is both stressful and may cost you extra. Roofing work is an outdoor job that is why all these in conveniences are quite normal. If you are not bothered by the things that occur while the roofing construction work, then you can easily manage the stress and inconveniences that comes along with the work. But if you have children that are less than 15 years of age then the better idea would be to move to some other place while the work is being done. Because they can hurt themselves easily by the stuff that is use in construction work of roofing. this goes for your pets too, keep them safe or lock them inside the living area where there will be no construction work going on.
Remove precious household items like furniture, jewelry and any art work before starting your roofing work.
Your availability is very important during your roofing work as this will give your workers extra check on their work quality, On site availability of owners can increase the work quality level.
Roof Replacement Time
Every Roofing project takes different time as the size of roof that need replacement or repair may be different in size and impact. Severity of damage is another factor. If you hire an expert and licensed roofer then you can minimise the risk and get quality roofing work.Every roofing project is different depending upon the house condition, if the condition of the current roof is in a bad shape then difficulties may occur and the time completion may take longer than expected but it is very rare to happen.

Most of the time the roofing company or the constructor estimate the time for the work completion before they even start working. and if there are no weather-related delays the project goes smoothly without any disruption. If the roofing project involves more than one job, for example roofing as well as the siding work, or roofing as well as the gutter work, then it may take longer than expected. It’s better to talk to the roofing Company before starting the work.

Some Important Tips to Make Sure Your Roof is Ready for Winter

roof maintenance in new york

Winters are just around the corner. It brings Snow, wind, breeze, and whatnot. Summers are almost gone, and summer’s stuff is going to be replaced with the winter’s stuff as a need for the weather. And planning to winterize your home will be the right choice at this moment. There are many things which you need to be checking on including your roofing. Pre-planned stuff will always make you hustle free and will save your energy this winter. 


Shingles that need to be repaired and the ones that need to be completely changed must be considered as an important step. First see if the shingles are broken or not. If any of them seems broken, then change it right away as this can put your roofing into some serious problem. Those weak spots should be changed then and there.


Having a proper exhaust system in your house needs to be inspected before the fall season. In winter proper ventilation plays a vital role as it keeps the extra air off the house and the gasses produced by the carbon monoxide. A proper gas detector must be installed and the exhausts needs to be in fully working condition as they emit the gases during the winters produced by the warming appliances such as heaters and the fire system.


When you see that winters are almost coming in a week or two, cut all the branches and extra-long trees so when winters come carrying snowstorms, heavy rains and wind, your roofing will be safe and secure. The chances of falling of these heavy trees are much higher in winters because of the snow, rain, and wind. Cutting of the heavy and long trees is a good idea. Falling of trees can break your roofing shingles if left uncut. Along with breaking the shingles the branches and leaves that are left uncut can get into the gutters and will clog them which will further get you in a big trouble.


Your gutters and your house roofs must be cleaned before any season especially before winters. The reason behind the winter cleaning is, if your gutters and roof will not get cleaned before the winters it will block the gutter and will damage the water pipes and shingles at the same time. And in severe weather conditions it will be difficult for you to repair and clean the roof and gutter during the wintertime period. So, cleaning it before is the right choice. Your house gutters are a major part of your whole house system including the roofs, water pipelines, walls, the attic, the ceiling, and the floor. Blocked, rusty and damaged gutters will damage your yard too. Repair and clean the gutters and the roofing before the first snowfall.


Loft insulation works as a barrier. It is present between the roof space. It works as a blanket that keeps your house warm in winters and cooler in the summer season. Your winter checklist must include the insulation checking. See if it is still in good shape or not. Then manage accordingly. Moist insulation must be removed and changed. Make sure that the insulation does not block the ventilation.


Checking and repairment of the roof is not an easy work to do, it may seem tempting to you but by doing the roof repair work all by yourself can get you in trouble and it may cause you an injury if you put even one wrong step on the roof which results in falling down. 

Checking for the moulds, clogged gutters, uncleaned roofs, long branches, and trees that need cutting, shingles repairment all these are essential and important works to be done before the winter season. So that you might save yourself from the urgent repairment in winter which might take long as the weather in winter is not reliable for repair work.

If you’re looking for a contractor for new roof installations Wyandotte MI, you have more than enough reasons to hire Downtown Roofers. Besides being experts in shingle roofing, we can also take care of all of your roofing repair needs. So, don’t hesitate to contact us or call us at 734-548-9919 to discuss your project with one of our representatives.

How to Take care of curled shingles?

curled roof repair michigan

Asphalt shingles are the most popular choice of Home owners in USA, accounting for almost 70 % of domestic roofing installations, according to tom boll now, who is the senior director of technical services at the national contractors association. And for good reason: asphalt shingles are lightweight, attractive, durable, and priced well compared to other roofing materials.

As an example, cured back shingles can be re-secured by brushing on a coating of asphalt roof cement or finding its alternative compound in tubes for use with a caulk gun (like henry rubberized wet patch which is available in 10.1-ounce cartridge at the home depot. At the time of repairing a leaky roof, when you want to a generous quantity of roofing cement to the underside of the shingle to make certain the edges and corners are secured. You should press it firmly to set.

Please note that shingles are more pliable in warm weather then these are cold, so you should consider this factor when resolving the problem of a leaking roof.

How to Fix flashings?

If you found all of your roof shingles seem to be intact, then you will have to search further, it means you have to look for any breaks or damages to your roof’s flashing including all vent pipes, skylight flashing and chimney if applicable. You have to get up on your roof and search for any damage or leaks in the flashing, especially near to chimney and all other penetrations.

During the searching, if you find any breaks anywhere in the roof flashing, or any gaps in the roofing cement, then you should know that you would either reinstall the flashing or repairs at the place of failure.

In normal conditions, you have to use a solar seal exterior grade caulk, or some quantity of roofing cement to repair any breaks in roof flashing.

If all the roof flashings seem to be intact and you cannot find any problem with your roof shingles, then to see that has your roof a sufficient pitch for an asphalt roof. If the pitch of your roof is less than 3 to 12, then it seems that your roof is subject to damage and leaks due to wind-driven rainwater.

If the pitch of your roof is solid between the 5 to 12 and steeper, then make sure to check the gables/side edges of the whole roof to see whether the gable flashing has installed underneath the shingles on all the gable sides of your roof.

If you do not find any metal flashing installed on your roof, then it means that your roof was installed by an unprofessional crew, and its need to be redone. In this case, the cause of your roof leaking will be easily explained by the absence of gable flashings, which made your roof vulnerable to rain at an angle because of strong winds.

In case, if your roof is leaking due to ice dams, or because of a poor roof design like a dormer wall is covering with melting snow during the winter season, then you will need a professional correction to correct the flaws in your roof’s design.

Sometimes metal flashing around the chimneys and dormers can be the cause of a leaky roof. If you want to repair this simply reseal joints using a caulk gun filled with special roofing cement. In case, if you see damage to joints previously sealed with roof cement, you can apply a fresh new coat with a putty knife.

After all these done if you think that it is necessary to replace an entire row of roof shingles, you get the shingles lift of from the roof to easily, you should think about that it is the time to call a professional roofer to see and analyze the roof situation. Because if your roof needs replacement then spot repairs will no extend the life of your roof.

In case, if your roof is leaking due to ice dams, or because of a poor roof design like a dormer wall is covering with melting snow during the winter season, then you will need a professional Roofing company to help in addressing the flaws in your roof’s design.

How to protect your roof from snow and ice damage?

how to protect snow damage roof

The weather is the major hit to your roof. Protecting it from the snow and ice is critical since it can lead to a lot of damage. With winters coming up you need to be prepared to avoid any roof damages from happening. Damage in winters gets prolonged before the weather clears out to be fixed. You need to be prepared of the damages snow and ice can cause along with winter storms.

 Ice dams form slowly and can cause a lot of damage even before you know it. Whether you’ve had them before or not, you should still always be prepared. Ice dams are thick bands of ice that form on the edges of your roof. They block the drainage of the water and also destroy the shingles. Once the water is stopped from draining it is forced downwards in the shingles and can cause leakage also damage your insulation and structure.

To begin with, be prepared to handle the snow. You need to have a roof rake and form a routine to inspect your roof so you can avoid and get hold of the minor repairs in time. Roof rake will help remove fresh snow releasing your roof of extra weight and avoid snow from freezing, damaging your shingles. Having snow guards in place can help with the easy flow of water to the right place. Having free falling snow is also dangerous.

Make sure you clear out the trees or any plant growths that could end up on your roof before time. They could break and block away your roof. Clearing your gutters of debris is very important so that snow doesn’t accumulate and turn into ice blocking your gutters.

Having insulation installed in the attic helps melt away the ice and allow free flow of water so that it prevents ice dams from forming. You need to ensure there is not much snow accumulating on your roof to prevent roof collapse and leakage. You can install a heat cable prior to the winters so that snow melts away and does not accumulate on the roof. These are easily available and your roofer can install it for you.

You need to clean the roof of extra snow and water both. Make sure snow is removed and roof is cleaned. This could damage your gutters and flashings as well. You can spray hot water to melt away the snow. Avoid using chemicals since they will damage the roofing materials. While removing the snow be as careful as you can to avoid damaging the shingles.

Make sure you have a roof inspection done before the winters start and after any storm or heavy snow. Getting an inspection done timely will save you from a bigger damage and save you from getting frozen. In case of any leakages or damage call a professional roofer immediately. If you can find yourself with too much snow, do not go ahead and remove it, you’ll risk your life. Call a professional roofer to clear out the snow and assess the damage. They have the necessary equipment and will save you from getting injuries too while clearing your roof.

Signs You must check before roof Replacement in Michigan

roof repair leaks in michigan

For most us, we tend to think less about the roofing system over our heads, immediately after moving into and settling in our homes. Most of us don’t even think about the roof at all, until a leak starts. By then, more damage will have been done, sometimes even affecting other parts of the house than just the roof. This is why the importance of regularly inspecting the roof cannot be stressed enough. Regular inspection of the roof can help to identify critical damages, such that the roof can be replaced before more damage occurs on other parts of the house.

However, you can’t just replace a roof without knowing what to look for in the first place. This article will help you understand the specific signs you need to inspect for, which imply that you need a roof replacement..

5 Signs You Need Roof Replacement in Michigan

The following are the major signs that usually call for a roof replacement in Michigan;

1.) The Roof’s Warranty Period

Each roofing system has a warranty. Most of the roof shingles installed today come with a warranty of 15 years. However, there are more premium shingles which are provided with a warranty of 35 or more years. No matter what type of roofing shingles you have installed, you should regularly check your warranty period and know how old the roof is. If you notice that the end of your roof’s warranty period is approaching, then this means that your roof is old and needs a replacement soon.

2.) Sunlight in the Attic

The simplest way to find out whether your roofing system has a problem, is by going to the attic then looking for any traces of sunlight. If you notice even the slightest traces of sunlight penetrating through the surface of the roof, then this means that your roof does have a problem. Note that air and sunlight penetrating through the vents of the attic does not mean that the roof is damaged; the vents are designed to allow this. However, no sunlight should shine through the surface of the roof, which is why this should be taken as a warning sign indicating the need for a roof replacement.

3.) Presence of Sags, Waves and Dips on the Roof Line

The sagging and dipping of a roof is a sign of a slow roof leak. Slow roof leaks gradually deteriorate the wood structure on the roofing system. The most dangerous thing about slow roof leaks is that they can actually happen for many years, damaging the roofing system without being noticed. Therefore, if you see any sags, waves or dips on your roofing system, then you should have it checked for any roof leaks. The presence of roof leaks are most likely to call for a roof replacement.

4.) Spongy Areas on the Roof

From time to time, carefully walk on your roof and check for any sections that feel spongy. Roofing systems are supposed to be very solid and stable. If you step on an area that feels spongy, or rebounds as a trampoline, this could be an indication of roof damage caused by water. Also, you can look for puddles of water on the roof. When you see these, you should hire a roofing contractor to determine the level of damage on the roof. Of course, much damage will require a roof replacement.

5.) Moss and Other Debris on the Roofing System

If your house is built near trees and other vegetation, this might cause a problem to your roof. Tree branches may fall on the roof, or the leaves build up. This may lead to failing of the roofing system. If your home is located in such an environment, regularly check your roof. Regular falling of branches and build up of leaves on the roof may call for a roof replacement in the long run.


If you really love your home, then you wouldn’t wish for anything to happen to it. Regularly inspect your roofing system for the above warning signs. If you happen to see one or more of those signs in your roof, do not panic; our roofing company has got you covered. Just give us a call, and we will urgently and efficiently replace your roofing system before you even realize it!

What is Flat Roof installation

what is flat roof installation

Any roof that has a pitch of less than 10 degrees and is horizontal is known as a flat roof. There is no loft space that is associated with pitched roofs so there will no loft hatch in the ceiling. Therefore, to prevent heat from escaping or coming in your property, insulating materials are laid between the ceiling and the roof membrane.

There are a number of factors that needs to be taken into consideration:

  • Ventilation: It is to ensure that no construction material is deteriorated and to maximize the performance of the insulation. This is dependent on the positioning of the insulation board as it is sometimes necessary to ensure a ventilation gap.
  • Loading: it is very important for the insulation to be of appropriate strength in order to adhere to the anticipated load and follow the building regulations. The strongest kind of boards are called Rigid insulation boards and are designed specifically to bare to all types of loads.
  • Condensation: there may be a possibility of your environment being cold most of the times therefore cold roofs are more prone to condensation and might not have adequate ventilation leading to distortions and erosion of the materials.

Hence it is essential to consider the above mentioned factors before choosing the roof insulation.

Furthermore, there are different approaches to installation depending on the two main types of flat roofs:

  • Warm Flat Roof: insulation material is placed at rafter level in order to keep the deck warmer.
  • Cold Flat Roof: insulation material is placed at ceiling level leaving the deck cold.

According to the building regulation, as a general rule most of the flat roofs require minimum of the 100mm insulation to ensure the right levels of insulation. With regards to cold deck, 50mm of ventilated cavity is required typically for the air to flow and prevent from moisture being build up.

Effective insulation does not only make things easier for the property owners but also has an impact on the environment. Therefore government building regulations highlight the right level of roof insulation to avoid high levels of fuel to keep the building warm. Since these high levels will in turn have deteriorating effects on our surroundings. For this purpose there have been building regulation standards of insulation known as R values.