What Is Residential Low Slope Roofing?

michigan roofing contractor

Features that define roofs are known as sloping angle. Primarily the residential roofs are slope or high pitched roofs. Nowadays,  modern residential roofing is more drawn towards low sloping roofs. Residential low slope roofing can be clarified as roofing that slopes in 2” in 12” to 4” in 12” of run, this measurement of angle has great pluses but comes with disadvantages as well. There are two extensive categories in which residential low slope roofing are divided as, one is larger flat roofed applications (low slope) such as residential co-operative complexes, row homes, and townhouses and the second one is smaller applications, such as residential porch and garage transitions from the main home where the slope of the roof changes dramatically from steep slope to low slope on the same structure.

Material To Be Used:

If you see the comparison between the low slope roofing and steeper roofing, low slope roofs drain water slowly than the steeper roofs therefore the material that is used in residential roofing’s are modified bitumen systems and built up roofing instead of asphalt shingles because asphalt shingles rely on mechanical drainage. Bitumen systems and built up roofing are more pocket friendly, reliable, and durable too.  Low slope roofing due to their special angle roofing surface requires a smaller amount of material than the steeper roofs, that is why low slope roofs installation is much cheaper than having a new sloping roof.

Spacious/Extra Space:

If you need extra space in your house then choosing a low slope roof might be a good option. They are suitable for storing the objects which you can’t just leave in an open area, so by installing this type of roofing you are going to have that extra space in your house. Also, slow slope roofs are best, if you are thinking about installing solar panels.

“Residential low slope roofs have a downside too, if you are living in an area where snow, rain are persistent than you might get into trouble because the water, snow, and ice sit longer on the roofing surface than the pitched roofs. And this may lead your roof more exposed to leaks and damage if you won’t remove these elements”.

Low slope roofing requires a lot of work, you will be regularly removing the debris and extra dirt to make sure that your roof does not get exposed to the damage, which later get you in a hassle of repairing the roof. Also, while choosing a material for your low slope roofing always consult a professional roofer because not every other material is suitable for low slope roofing that is why professional guidance is important in this case.

You can Ask a local roofing professional about the do’s and don’ts while getting this type of roofing or get in touch with us by calling us at 734-526-4955 to get a free estimate and answers to your inquiries about the roofing guidance, materials, installation, repairs and maintenance services.